Meverin designs and manufactures large and cut-to-measure fire doors according to UNI EN 16034 and UNI EN 13241 European standards.
A complete range of openable or fixed compartmentation modules:
Meverin’s core business products can be used in different locations / scenarios such as ships, hospitals, car parks, road, railway and undersea tunnels, industrial and civil settlements in general and public spaces such as theatres, cinemas, shopping malls, exhibition rooms, fair grounds, etc.
The current legislative standards ask for safety measures capable of protecting operators, systems, architectural structures as well as of ensuring future business continuity.
The damage, often considerable, caused to people and property by the onset and spread of fires impose to businesses and companies, whether public or private, the implementation of non-deferrable safety measures recommended or imposed by the laws in force, being capable of protecting operators, plants, architectural structures as of ensuring future business continuity.
One of the most important safety measures is the use of fire compartmentation closures.
The aim of a compartmentation module, either openable or fixed, is to:
- compartmentation into areas featuring different fire risks and in general areas where carried out activities are quite diverse;
- offer effective protection to prevent fire spread to adjacent compartments;
- subdivide risks and at the same time create safe areas.
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Meverin has always focussed on:
- improvement of products quality and performance;
- an increasingly greater optimization of productivity, flexibility and efficiency in order to reactively respond to the various market needs by also satisfying the ever shorter lead times it requires.
Every application need is met with the design from scratch of the most suitable compartmentation module.
Thanks to research, innovation, preliminary tests carried out in internal test ovens, and tests performed at the premises of both Italian and foreign notified bodies, Meverin can offer a wide range of type-approvals, certifications and solutions therefore providing a matching point between market needs and current regulations.
Each MEVERIN fire door is a product that is always designed and manufactured on the specific and unique request of a client and, as such, is intended for the latter in his capacity as a professional user who acts in the exercise of his professional activity, and which is responsible for providing to any subsequent resellers, without any modifications or omissions, all the information and warnings on the product made available by MEVERIN.

Factory department where the fire occurred.

Factory department protected against fire using large fire doors by Meverin.